Found Poem- Half Past the Point of No Return

I created my found poem using the lyrics from the song “Glitter In The Air” by Pink.  I love Pink as an artist and ever since this song came out, it has been one of my favorites. I personally chose this song because it made it easy to pick out the lyrics for my found poem to describe the way I felt when I was going through a tough time last year.  I transferred from community college and I felt lost at first, with no one to turn to.

For the reader to better understand, I kept the lyrics: “the breath before the phrase”, “walk before the run”, “the fear before the flames”, because I felt that it described how there is always a starting point in whatever you choose to do. The only way to move on from that starting point is to push through and try new things. For a month I was set on transferring back home, and one day I decided to start getting involved with school activities such as speech club, and my sorority, and met so many people when doing so.

Another part of the song I kept for my found poem was: “There you are, Sitting, Clutching, Calling”. I was hoping for the reader to read this part slowly, showing more depth into the feelings I had when I felt like no one was there. My favorite part of the found poem is the last part to this song where it says: “Held your breath..asked yourself will it ever get better”. I chose to keep this for my found poem because when I once felt like I was drowning in my emotions, I always wondered if there was a better feeling than that way.

I really enjoyed creating this found poem and think M. NourbeSe Philip’s, ZONG!, did a great job emphasizing important points to the reader by choosing words that held the most meaning. I have never seen anything like her writing and as we read the book, the way she arranges the words are perfect demonstrations of the close reading we do in class and finding hidden meanings.

One thought on “Found Poem- Half Past the Point of No Return”

  1. Hi Morgan,
    I really enjoyed your found poem and your choice of song lyrics. From reading your artist statement, I learned that the reason in choosing this song was not that it angered you but that you could relate to it because of personal experiences and feelings you have had. I feel that the relatable aspect helped you to create a powerful message through your poem. Because you can relate to the lyrics you’re able to pick out the powerful lines that told a story standing on their own. My article was too long toes this technique, but the blacking out of the words you didn’t choose to use in your poem makes me read it differently. I feel that I read it slower with pauses, emphasizing the power of the poem as a whole. Your artist statement adds so much to your work in the sense that it exposes all your emotions, helping the reader to understand the feelings you were aiming to convey. Your personal story and emotions being woven into your artist statement is similar to the text in the back of Song, explaining the goal of the work better. All in all I really enjoyed your work and creativity.

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