Red, White and Blue

I chose to share this quote that was said by Colin Kaepernick for many reasons. I am one to support our troops always and I strongly believe there is not a reason to not do so. As they will always have our backs, I will choose to always have theirs.

Instead of crossing words out, I decided it was important to keep every word because everything had crucial meaning. I strongly believe that people of any race should have the freedom to say as they please. I am not an African American so I do not know how one does feel, but I am a woman. I understand there are things that we should stand up for that our country struggles with. That is why this part was not taken out because people’s feelings and thoughts about our country are crucial to making it better.

The words that are shown in blue and red, “I am going to show pride for country”, I wanted to emphasize for many reasons. One is that we have freedom because of our soldiers. The freedom to speak our minds is because of them and the freedom to not stand during the National Anthem is because of them as well. For that, I believe that we should ALWAYS show our respect to those who fought and sacrificed their lives for our freedom. I also did these words in color because they were ALL positive. Our country could always use some positivity. Lastly, the word “country” stands out, even more, seeing that it is capitalized but also red. I did this because, to me, this word has so much power. “Country” means people thriving and living together of all cultures, religions, and races. People should want to get along and fight FOR each other, NOT against. Therefore it needed to stand out.

I believe that people should always respect the ones who left their homes, families and sometimes left this Earth while protecting us. I don’t think standing for the National Anthem is asking too much. What is great about this country is that we have the right to say what we believe and we have the right to protest. I just do not believe that disrespecting our veterans by not standing during the National Anthem is the time or place to do so.

A Raisin in the Sun (Act II)

There has been many themes that I have noticed not only in Act II of A Raisin in the Sun, but throughout the whole text. One theme that has really stuck out to me though, is that many people in the text live off of each others approval in the Younger family.

Beneatha is an extremely strong and powerful woman. Although she has no problem making decisions on her own, getting the approval from her mama means absolutely everything to her. In the text during Act II, Beneatha is trying to enjoy her time with George. As George wants to do more than just talk, we see that Beneatha wants to only communicate in interesting conversations with him. Not anything more than that. Later on as George storms off, Beneatha takes a moment to explain to her mom that George is a “fool”. Mama then says “Well- I guess you better not waste your time with no fools” (98). Beneatha continues on with showing she is thankful and grateful but Mama is then confused why. Beneatha then states “For understanding me this time” (98). Just with something that small, Beneatha expresses with a very limited amount of words, how thankful she is for how her mom reacted. That for once her mom agreed with her and believed that she was making the right choice and assumption about her relationship with George.

Walter seems to struggle with how to love his life and how to have self confidence. How the cards have been dealt to him, do you blame him? Not only does he want to own a liquor store and make money, but he truly wants (and NEEDS) someone to believe in him and what he can do to make the life for his family members a more enjoyable life to live. Think about the way he reacted when George was at the house while he was drunk. Walter had some ideas to share with George and George’s dad (and seemed to be very excited about it), but George answered sarcastically like it didn’t matter. He at that point wanted someone to believe in him. Later on in Act II, (as read by everyone) we now know that Mama is going to give some of the money she has to Walter for him to do what he wants with it and what he thinks is best for the family. What was his reaction to this? “(stares at the money) You trust me like that, Mama?” (107). Just in that sentence it was clear that it was not the money he was concerned about (at that point), but it’s him knowing that his mom believes in him. Her approval for him to do something and make changes for his family was now showing the faith she had in him.

There has been so many themes that have caught my attention throughout A Raisin in the Sun. As shown, one that has really stood out to me is that the people who are apart of the Younger family really like the approval and support from other people. Not just that, but for their family members to believe and have faith in them.

Some questions to think about:

What is another time in the story where someone believed in another and it meant the world to them?

If Walter makes something good come out of the money for his family, is his mom believing him in a big part of why it happened? Why or why not?




